////////////Shuttle Launch 06 UpDatE//////////

These files update
1 Adds rocket sound effect..The sound effect tracks with the original shuttle fading out
2 New fire effects..revized (more aggressive flame shooting downward and revized flash effect) ..some have reported not being able to see any effects..I do not know if this revized effect helps..no real solution has yet been found..
3 Adds a 2nd shuttle on the southern default launchpad for a Dual launch..
4 Adds 5 special cam views flights for viewing and hearing..these are small invisible helipads 10 meters square so an aircraft can sit on them with engine off allowing to view and hear the shuttle..NOTE..there are 5 locations of these pads and most are up in the air and if you are flying around the area with crash detect on you (May) hit one But it would be extreemly rare...just letting you know if you get an aircraft crash..thats what happened..

Before beginning you must have my original (Shuttle Launch 06) installed and added to fs9 scenery library..

1 Copy my folder here-Shuttle Launch 06 and paste it into your FS9/Addon scenery folder and choose (Overwrite all) This will update the original
2 copy the 3 effects files within the (Effects) folder here and (overwrite) them into your FS9/Effects folder
3 Copy my folder here (Shuttle Launch 06 FlighTs) into your FS9/Flights folder
4 Open the (Sound) folder here and copy the amb_aexp1a.wav into your FS9/Sound folder..(NOTE) this is one of several rarely used wav files for addon sounds..(IF) you get an (This file already exist) message then go to your FS9 Sound folder and find the file and copy it to a backup place..after that (Overwrite) and take note of it..
5 (DUAL LAUNCH) open my folder here (DUAL Shuttle Launch) and read the info to add a 2nd delayed shuttle launch if you wish...it is timed to launch on any day of the year..
Makes for quite a fictional sight..

Final..To load the Cam views go to select a flight and search for Shuttle Launch 06 FlighTs and load one of the flights...(Special NOTE) ..The animation sequence starts immediatly ..To view another Cam view -Restart FS9 and load another one(This will start the animation from the next pad -a- fresh) or just sit on the next pad for about 12 minutes

Other notes..The sound effects are only heard in aircraft fly mode only and can not be heard in slew mode..

These files are for freeware purposes only

By: Ron Jeffers


Copy my folder (Here) and paste it into your FS9/Addon scenery folder (Select Overwrite all) and the files will update Shuttle Launch 06

This file adds a second slightly delayed shuttle launch from the default launchpad..making a (Dual Launch)